The first international commercial arbitration training hosted by PCA -

The first international commercial arbitration training hosted by PCA -

The first international commercial arbitration training hosted by PCA -

The first international commercial arbitration training hosted by PCA -

The first international commercial arbitration training hosted by PCA -
The first international commercial arbitration training hosted by PCA -
The first international commercial arbitration training hosted by PCA
HOME / MEDIA / TRAINING COURSES / The first international commercial arbitration training hosted by PCA

We are thrilled to share that on June 29, 2023 Arbitrator Nguyen Manh Dzung delivered a fascinating presentation on "Evidence and Arbitral Award in International Commercial Arbitration" at the first training course organized by the Representative Office of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in Hanoi for Vietnamese State Agencies. 
You can access the training slides to delve deeper into the knowledge shared during this enlightening session. Please Click the links below to explore the slides:

Training on International Arbitral Award: Link 

Training on Evidence in International Arbitration: Link

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