[VIAC SYMPOSIUM 2024] “Cross-border trade and investment in times of economic uncertainty: Dispute and Arbitration” -

[VIAC SYMPOSIUM 2024] “Cross-border trade and investment in times of economic uncertainty: Dispute and Arbitration” -

[VIAC SYMPOSIUM 2024] “Cross-border trade and investment in times of economic uncertainty: Dispute and Arbitration” -

[VIAC SYMPOSIUM 2024] “Cross-border trade and investment in times of economic uncertainty: Dispute and Arbitration” -

[VIAC SYMPOSIUM 2024] “Cross-border trade and investment in times of economic uncertainty: Dispute and Arbitration” -
[VIAC SYMPOSIUM 2024] “Cross-border trade and investment in times of economic uncertainty: Dispute and Arbitration” -
[VIAC SYMPOSIUM 2024] “Cross-border trade and investment in times of economic uncertainty: Dispute and Arbitration”
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[VIAC SYMPOSIUM 2024] “Cross-border trade and investment in times of economic uncertainty: Dispute and Arbitration”

ADR Vietnam Chambers is glad to support VIAC Symposium 2024, organized by the Vietnam International Arbitration Centre (VIAC) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). This year's VIAC Symposium is themed: “Cross-border trade and investment in times of economic uncertainty: Dispute and Arbitration”

Arbitrator Nguyen Manh Dzung will be a speaker at Session 2 of Panel D - Envisioning the Next Chapter of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Vietnam when Moving Forward in the Era of Digital Economy: Legal restraints, Adaption & Human resource. Session 2 focuses on “Heading to the Next Chapter of ADR in Vietnam – Adaptation and Preparation of Human Resource”

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